How to contribute

Code contribution

Based on:


Following procedure is for Windows platform

If you want to contribute your code to pyBio, please follow this steps:


  1. Fork pyBio

    1. Navigate to
    2. Fork your own copy of pyBio by cliking on Fork button
    3. You are navigated to your copy GitHub page
  2. Clone your fork locally

    1. Click on Clone or download button

    2. Copy your fork url by clicking on Copy to clipboard button

    3. Open Git Bash console

    4. Change directory to desired one:

      $ cd path/to/local/clone/parent
    5. Clone your fork:

      $ git clone <Shift+Ins>
  3. Add upstream repo

    $ cd pybio
    $ git remote add upstream

Feature development

  1. Checkout develop branch:

    $ git checkout develop
  2. Sync with upstream:

    $ git pull upstream
  3. Create and checkout new feature branch:

    $ git checkout -b new-feature-name
  4. Develop

    1. Create documentation, unit-tests and implementation for new feature
    2. Check your implementation by running doctests and pytests
    3. Add and commit your changes
  5. Push your changes to origin:

    $ git push -u origin
  6. Create pull request online

  7. Discuss and modify your code with pyBio developers

  8. After feature branch is merged sync your fork

    1. Pull from upstream:

      $ git checkout develop
      $ git pull upstream
    2. Push to origin

      $ git push